Atlantic Society of Radio Controlled Modellers
Atlantic Society of Radio Control Modellers >> Upcoming Events >> weekend of august 31

Message started by one nano on Aug 29th, 2013 at 10:44am

Title: weekend of august 31
Post by one nano on Aug 29th, 2013 at 10:44am
August 31, 2013 - 1 day(s) -- BAY ST GEORGE FLYERS Clif Roney Memorial Fun Fly Hi Folks, This is our annual Clif Roney Memorial Fun Fly Everyone is welcome, bring a plane or two and a lawn chair. The usual burgers, hot dogs, and pop will be offered to all, FREE OF CHARGE. The landing fee for pilots is $5.00. Come and join in with us and have some fun. Dates and Time Aug. 31st.- Rain Day Sept. 1st or 2nd. Pilot meeting at 08:00

August 31, 2013 - 1 day(s) -- AVON RC FLYER'S -- Scale Aerobatics Contest The Avon Flyer's are hosting another one-day Scale Aerobatics Contest on August31/13, rain date September 1/13. We are located on Highway #14 on the Windsor Forks Road, just before Ski Martock but on the opposite side at Daniel U-Pick's apple orchard. All classes from Basic to Unlimited will be flown. Registration starts at 8:30am. Registration fee will be $5.00 to help cover costs. For more information contact Al Coolen, email: or Sandy McInnis, email:

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