Atlantic Society of Radio Controlled Modellers
Atlantic Society of Radio Control Modellers >> Upcoming Events >> Vic's Annual Porters Lake Winter Fun Fly

Message started by C-GFLC on Jan 15th, 2014 at 10:56pm

Title: Vic's Annual Porters Lake Winter Fun Fly
Post by C-GFLC on Jan 15th, 2014 at 10:56pm
Vic has invited ASRCM to his winter fun fly!

Well, it's that time of year again - time for my Annual Porters Lake Winter Fun Fly!!

Mary and I will once again be hosting our annual flying and social event on the frozen surface of Porters Lake in front of our house at 2155 Crowell Rd (East Lawrencetown).
The date is flexible to allow for the ideal weather and ice conditions, so stay tuned to this forum for updates. The intention is to hold the event on the first Saturday or Sunday that promises to provide a good combination of a suitable ice surface and favourable winds and temperatures. Based on the long range forecasts at the start of each week, I will make an advisory post if it looks like there is a chance for good conditions for the upcoming weekend. As the weekend gets closer, I'll offer revised updates and ultimately make the call at least
one or two days in advance. Sorry that I can't give more advanced notice of the date so that everyone can plan around it, but we are in Nova Scotia in the winter, and the likelyhood of lucking into all the right conditions on any pre-determined day is pretty remote this time of year.

Title: Re: Vic's Annual Porters Lake Winter Fun Fly
Post by C-GFLC on Jan 15th, 2014 at 10:57pm
As usual, flying will begin when the first hardy soul arrives in the morning and the last dedicated flyer leaves in the afternoon, and in-between Mary will be providing us with a tasty pulled-pork sandwich lunch with plenty of other goodies to partake in. The house will be open for relief from the cold and for warming up with coffee and hot chocolate.

If you've not attended in the past, the frozen surface of Porters Lake provides a 15 mile long, 1 mile wide airfield that can accommodate any kind of flying. The event is open to anyone with a MAAC membership and is not necessarily restricted to electric aircraft only Having said that, my house is located in a subdivision, so I don't want to over-do it with the louder types (glow, gas, some electrics, etc). The lake is huge, so ideal for any winter thermal-seeking glider flyers. Rocket launching and free-flight flying are certainly an option as well!

Please bring your families along and invite any of your flying friends, as all are welcome

Title: Re: Vic's Annual Porters Lake Winter Fun Fly
Post by sugarpops on Jan 16th, 2014 at 8:20am
so when is this event

Title: Re: Vic's Annual Porters Lake Winter Fun Fly
Post by C-GFLC on Jan 16th, 2014 at 9:28am

he date is flexible to allow for the ideal weather and ice conditions, so stay tuned to this forum for updates.

vic will be posting the date when conditions are right.

Title: Re: Vic's Annual Porters Lake Winter Fun Fly
Post by sugarpops on Jan 16th, 2014 at 6:23pm
10-4 on that...

Sugar 8-)

Title: Re: Vic's Annual Porters Lake Winter Fun Fly
Post by C-GFLC on Feb 18th, 2014 at 8:49pm
Am update from Vic tonight.  His fun fly will go on the weekend.  His email:

I am going to make a go of it this coming weekend - unless the conditions are completely unfavourable.  Mary is going away for several weeks on the 27th, so this will be my last chance for a full-on event (ie. flyingand good food).  So far, the long range forecast is indicating that Sunday will be the better day.  I will update as the weekend draws nearer on the HEFA forum.


Please pass this info on to the ASRCM folks.  I hope to see a good bunch of people out to the lake this weekend!

Title: Re: Vic's Annual Porters Lake Winter Fun Fly
Post by C-GFLC on Feb 21st, 2014 at 5:30pm
Vic's event had been cancelled at the moment due to the ice conditions.  His email today:

Unfortunately, the fun fly is scrubbed for this weekend.  Here’s what I posted on HEFA:

Well, it just figures - today would have been an absolutely perfect day to hold the Fun Fly. The slush and water had frozen overnight and the ice surface was a near perfect runway this morning.  There wasn't a breath of wind, and it stayed nearly calm for the whole day.  In spite of the comfortable temperatures , the ice surface stayed good all day as well.

Saturday and Sunday, on the other hand, are going to be a bust.  Tonight and overnight into the morning the freezing rain then just plain rain  followed by +7 deg temps tomorrow will make a soggy, flooded mess of the ice surface.  The 20 knot SW winds aren't making things look any rosier for a flying event.  The unseasonable warm temps and continued wind are boding no better for Sunday.

So, the Fun Fly is definitely off for Saturday, and I would say that the same goes for Sunday.

As I mentioned previously, Mary is going away on Thursday for the next three weeks, but she has convinced me to try to hold the event in her absence, if the conditions cooperate in the coming weekends.  So, for now, the event is on hold, but I'm hoping it will go sometime before the ice melts.  Stay tuned - again...

Could you please pass this info along to everyone at ASRCM?

Title: Re: Vic's Annual Porters Lake Winter Fun Fly
Post by CF Av8or on Feb 26th, 2014 at 6:49pm
Hi Guys,

This is a heads-up that conditions are currently looking quite favourable this coming Saturday for my annual Winter Fun Fly!!

The ice conditions are good, thanks to the recent cold temperatures.
The long-range forecast for Saturday is calling for sunshine and some of the lightest winds of the week.  It is forecast to be on the cold side (high of only -5 C), but this should be comfortable enough in the sun and light winds.

As mentioned before, this will be an open-house event, so there will be plenty of relief from the cold.  Coffee, tea and hot chocolate will be in good supply to help in warming up.  I will also make my heated garage available for aircraft set-up, adjustment and repair, so that this work doesn't need to be done out in the cold.  Between flights, feel free to hang out in the house and keep warm.

Lunch will be served around noonish, with pulled pork sandwiches, baked goodies, and pop at no charge.  Mary will unfortunately be away, so I will do my meagre best at hosting.

Please bring your own folding chairs, as I have only a limited number.
Also, if any of you have one and are able, please bring a folding table for set-up on the lake or in the garage, as again, I have only three or so available for work space.  Bring your favourite coffee mug too, if you like.

So get you planes, gliders, rockets, or what-have-you ready, as it may be a go (finally) this Saturday!

Stay tuned for updates as the weekend draws nearer...

I only just noticed that one of your members is also holding a flying get-together this coming Saturday!  I'm sorry about the conflict, but I've been waiting for a decent weekend to hold my annual event since the beginning of January, so I can't take a chance in postponing if the conditions are right on March 1st.
Porters_Lake_Fun_Fly_Rdcd.jpg (194 KB | 313 )

Title: Re: Vic's Annual Porters Lake Winter Fun Fly
Post by CF Av8or on Feb 28th, 2014 at 9:31am
The Annual Porters Lake Fun Fly is a GO for tomorrow, 1 March (it's been postponed long enough)!

The weather forecast for tomorrow is great with sunshine, a high of  -4C and light winds for the whole day.  The snow from the last couple of days has resulted in an average depth of only 2”, so with a bit of plowing/shovelling it will be possible to carve out a good runway first thing tomorrow morning.

My address is 2155 Crowell Rd, East Lawrencetown.

From Hwy 107, take exit 19 and turn right (towards Lawrencetown Beach) onto West Porters Lake Rd.  This road turns into Crowell Rd.  My house is about a 7 minute drive from the exit (just past Parkwood Drive).

From Lawrencetown Rd (Hwy 207), take the second left past the Lawrencetown Beach parking lot – Crowell Rd.  My place is about 2 km up the road.

Just look for the green, yellow and red windsock hanging at the side of the road.

This will be a day-long event and will run until sundown or until the last hardy soul packs it in, so come as early or as late as you like or can.

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