Atlantic Society of Radio Controlled Modellers
Atlantic Society of Radio Control Modellers >> General Discussions >> at the field sunday June 1st

Message started by FLC on Jun 1st, 2014 at 5:23pm

Title: at the field sunday June 1st
Post by FLC on Jun 1st, 2014 at 5:23pm
sorry gents no pictures, just a brief report.

seven people out.  some wind gusting occasionally but overall a mostly little wind day.  lots of flying helis and planes.

dan thibault dropped in for a visit.

we also had a visit from a father and young son on a 4-wheeler.  the young lad had found richard's stryker in the woods behind his home some time ago and they returned it today.  Richard rewarded the young lad and I took him up for a flip on my funcub using the dx9 wireless trainer mode bound to rick's dx8.

caleb had a blast and barrel rolled the fun cub all over the sky.  great fun.  the dx9 wireless buddy box mode is awesome.  i was able to let him do anything and was able to instantly regain control.  awesome system!

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