Atlantic Society of Radio Controlled Modellers
Atlantic Society of Radio Control Modellers >> General Discussions >> 2nd Annual Lawrencetown Slope Fest

Message started by FLC on Aug 30th, 2014 at 8:04pm

Title: 2nd Annual Lawrencetown Slope Fest
Post by FLC on Aug 30th, 2014 at 8:04pm
Several ASRCM groupies had a fantastic time on the Lawrencetown slope today! 

It was a first for Jon and I, but what a great way to fly.  Absolutely amazing to throw a plane into the air and see it climb like it was under power and that's what they were doing today especially in the afternoon when the winds got up to 47kph at times.  You could slope just about anything out there today (maybe even Shawn's engine worries shawn).

A big crowd, some people I did not know,but a lot of familiar faces from over the years.

I have just updated the club web site with photos of the event and I shot a lot of video which will be a big edit over the next day or so.  I also promised Cato an item for the mAAC newsletter so gonna be busy for a bit.  Want to take the time for a decent edit on the video as there is a lot to go through and cut into the right sequence.

club website at

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Title: Re: 2nd Annual Lawrencetown Slope Fest
Post by Colin2 on Aug 30th, 2014 at 8:15pm
Really great pics Al!! I thoroughly enjoyed it today, and I hope we all got Jon hooked. It's definitely an aspect of the hobby I encourage everyone to explore.

Title: Re: 2nd Annual Lawrencetown Slope Fest
Post by FLC on Aug 31st, 2014 at 5:13pm
dropped back to the slope on Sunday for some more flying.  My Adagio glider is proving to very good in 35-40 kph winds, quite fast and maneuverable, with pretty much the same slope characteristics as Jon's new Cularis.  We enjoyed some close together almost formation speed runs along the slope face.  FUN STUFF!

Rick was out enjoying the slope this morning as well.  He has video of our flight.  (I hope!)

An extremely successful event organized and hosted by Vic and Mary, vic doing the helping on the slope and Mary in serious support mode manning the barbecue, cooking super meals for the over nighters and passing out delicious desserts today.  My raspberry square was superb!  Many thanks to you both for this weekend!

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Title: Re: 2nd Annual Lawrencetown Slope Fest
Post by FLC on Aug 31st, 2014 at 5:16pm
A highlight sunday occured when two twin brothers from Quebec out on a walk with their grandfather (they're winding up a summer vacation spent with him) wandered on to the slope where they were fascinated by all the flying machines lying everywhere on the grass.

Vic and Steve Ryan immediately took them under their wing arranging flights using a buddy box.  the brothers were thrilled!  That's what this hobby is all about!
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Title: Re: 2nd Annual Lawrencetown Slope Fest
Post by RocketManRC on Aug 31st, 2014 at 5:19pm
Here are Al and Jon flying together:

and here is Jon entertaining one of the local residents:

plus the amazing large scale ME-109:

Awesome day!

Title: Re: 2nd Annual Lawrencetown Slope Fest
Post by FLC on Aug 31st, 2014 at 5:39pm
wow rick!  that was fast!  great videos, especially like the one of Jon and I on the slope.  what a great way to fly.  amazing weekend!

that seagull yesterday was after Jon like there was no tomorrow, made many many aggressive passes at him.  Looks like he learned his lesson, you don't harass Jon!  LOL rather sedate seagull this morning.  LOL

Title: Re: 2nd Annual Lawrencetown Slope Fest
Post by RocketManRC on Aug 31st, 2014 at 5:55pm
Fortunately I didn't have to edit any of them Al!

Your Adagio really flys well on the slope. I was very impressed.

Title: Re: 2nd Annual Lawrencetown Slope Fest
Post by RocketManRC on Aug 31st, 2014 at 6:09pm
Looks to me like Jon and that gull are BFFs now!

Title: Re: 2nd Annual Lawrencetown Slope Fest
Post by RocketManRC on Aug 31st, 2014 at 6:11pm
I posted this on the HEFA site but I think it is worthy of a repost here.

Speaking of Large Scale on the slope, check out this 4.2m sailplane by E-flite that somehow I never noticed before (the L-13 Blanik):

I would love to see that one fly at Lawrencetown but I suppose it might need a bit more room.

Great Hobbies has one in stock ;-)

Title: Re: 2nd Annual Lawrencetown Slope Fest
Post by FLC on Aug 31st, 2014 at 6:28pm
I'd need a new car to soldier that thing around. Wouldn't mind having that slope handy though.

Title: Re: 2nd Annual Lawrencetown Slope Fest
Post by trevor on Aug 31st, 2014 at 7:31pm
I dreem of that every day. Maby ill paint up a raiden  :D

Title: Re: 2nd Annual Lawrencetown Slope Fest
Post by FLC on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 2:01pm
Finally finished and uploaded my video from the slopefest weekend.  Almost 15 minutes long so hope some of you have time to watch it.  LOL

also submitted my report to the upcoming maac newsletter.  Cato should have the newsletter out in a few days.

Title: Re: 2nd Annual Lawrencetown Slope Fest
Post by RocketManRC on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 4:50pm
That's awesome Al and I love the ending!

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