Atlantic Society of Radio Controlled Modellers
Atlantic Society of Radio Control Modellers >> Current Projects >> BeechCraft Repair Project

Message started by C-GARL on Sep 21st, 2014 at 6:29pm

Title: BeechCraft Repair Project
Post by C-GARL on Sep 21st, 2014 at 6:29pm
Last spring, a Canadian plane piloted by two RCAF officers had the misfortune of an electromechanical failure that resulted in a fatal crash. Passengers, Royal Canadian Naval Officers, and one of the crew were never found. One of the pilot was still strapped to his seat however, he lost his head during this ordeal. it is believed that all officers were trying to return to their original Canadian Navy and Canadian Air force units located somewhere over the Main land. Investigators are still looking for the cause of the crash and the mysterious Canadian Naval Base in the main Land.
The Current Government agreed to fund the repair of the aircraft. They mentioned that the paying off of four Canadian ships would pay for the work required to have the aircraft re-enter service but this time as the first CAF (Canadian Air Force) unit.  :) ;)
Canopy__a_bit_of_work_to_do.jpg (82 KB | 411 )
Front_end_damage.jpg (82 KB | 420 )
Repaired_Front_end.jpg (92 KB | 413 )

Title: Re: BeechCraft Repair Project
Post by C-GARL on Sep 21st, 2014 at 6:32pm
Some pictures of the damaged aircraft.
Repair is progressing quickly now that funding has been approved. ;) :)
Right_wing.jpg (88 KB | 400 )
Repaired_Right_wing.jpg (76 KB | 418 )
Left_wing_wing.jpg (72 KB | 372 )
Repaired_Left_wing.jpg (63 KB | 410 )

Title: Re: BeechCraft Repair Project
Post by FLC on Sep 21st, 2014 at 7:21pm
Looking very good Alain. Gonna recertify the pilot too?

Title: Re: BeechCraft Repair Project
Post by C-GARL on Sep 21st, 2014 at 7:29pm
Sure thing, as a Canadian pilot and not as Royal canadian pilot.  ;)

Title: Re: BeechCraft Repair Project
Post by trevor on Sep 22nd, 2014 at 7:47pm
Looken good! Guess how get to build my bf109 ;)

Title: Re: BeechCraft Repair Project
Post by C-GARL on Sep 22nd, 2014 at 8:03pm
No problem man, just bring beer.  :)

Title: Re: BeechCraft Repair Project
Post by CQ on Sep 23rd, 2014 at 8:15am
I found the roll of white covering. There should be enough to do that repair.

Title: Re: BeechCraft Repair Project
Post by C-GARL on Oct 16th, 2014 at 5:07pm
Thanks CQ. The covering did the job.
unfortunatly, like any typical government in the past, funding for the repair & overall has been cancel and will be used for znother project. A new bathroom is required in the Royal Canadian Parliament. ;)

Title: Re: BeechCraft Repair Project
Post by FLC on Oct 16th, 2014 at 5:19pm
The beechcraft had a bathroom?  Lol

Title: Re: BeechCraft Repair Project
Post by C-GARL on Oct 16th, 2014 at 9:00pm
No Al but it turned out to be a shitty situation.

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