Atlantic Society of Radio Controlled Modellers
Atlantic Society of Radio Control Modellers >> Upcoming Events >> Annual Porters Lake Winter Fun Fly 14 March 2015

Message started by CF Av8or on Mar 13th, 2015 at 1:44pm

Title: Annual Porters Lake Winter Fun Fly 14 March 2015
Post by CF Av8or on Mar 13th, 2015 at 1:44pm
I would like to invite any and all ASRCM members to attend my annual Fun Fly tomorrow on the ice of Porters Lake.

The elements look like they will finally come together for a good day for this event - sunshine, decent temps, light winds and perfect ice conditions.

As per usual, Mary and I will be hosting everyone at our house at 2155 Crowell Rd, East Lawrencetown on the shore of Porters Lake.  A chili lunch will be served, as well as Mary’s usual treats plus hot chocolate, tea and coffee will be available to keep everyone warmed up through the day.  The house will be open to all to come in out of the cold between flights if necessary.

If you haven’t been to this event before, the flying field is huge and wide open – 15 miles long and a mile wide, so every type of aircraft can be accommodated.  Anything from gliders to jet turbines, free-flight to control-line and even rockets are possible.  The only restriction is to not overfly the houses along the shore of the lake.  I would request that noisy aircraft (gas/glow, etc) not be flown until a little later in the morning in consideration of the neighbours.  I look forward to seeing a wide variety of models, so bring what you’ve got.

The event starts at 0800 and goes until everyone is flown-out or the sun goes down.  The ice is smooth and snow-free so be sure to bring your crampons to avoid slips and falls.  Also bring a chair and, if you like, maybe a folding table to do your set-up on.  Just look for the wind-sock by the road in front of my house!  Parking is along the west side of the road (just be sure to park as far onto the shoulder as you can to help with traffic flow).

I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!


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