Atlantic Society of Radio Controlled Modellers
Atlantic Society of Radio Control Modellers >> General Discussions >> great day at the valley gathering

Message started by FLC on Mar 28th, 2015 at 8:47pm

Title: great day at the valley gathering
Post by FLC on Mar 28th, 2015 at 8:47pm
Jon and I drove down to New Minas for the valley gathering today.  A great day of flying in a great venue.

just a couple of photos.  I'll be adding more tomorrow and am sending along some to the MAAC newsletter as well.
DSC_7140-1.jpg (87 KB | 197 )
DSC_7054-1.jpg (89 KB | 193 )

Title: Re: great day at the valley gathering
Post by FLC on Mar 29th, 2015 at 5:21pm
I've updated our web site main page with photos from the Valley Gathering yesterday and links to all the photos and prize winners photos.  Meanwhile I am having trouble again with our server uploading so the "all photos" link is only showing half the photos.  Last time this happened I had to wait a day or so to get it straightened out.

or click the banner link above.

Some of these photos will be going on to Cato for the MAAC newsletter

Title: Re: great day at the valley gathering
Post by FLC on Mar 30th, 2015 at 10:09am
here are sone links Steve Ryan provided to four videos of the valley gathering.   Four excellent videos!  You'll enjoy these!

ere's all 4 videos from 2015 Kentville Valley Gathering -

RC Indoor - 2015 Kentville Valley Gathering - 5:32

Indoor Aerotow - 2015 Kentville - 1:52

"3D Joiner" Maiden Flights - 4:13

Accidental Combat/Aerotow - Kentville 2015 - 1:52

Title: Re: great day at the valley gathering
Post by SandyM on Apr 3rd, 2015 at 11:26pm
Great time was had, and the photo work is super as usual Al.
In years past, the "Mass Launch" has not been good to  me - I've had a tail cut off, an engine knocked off, and a wing sheared off. This year I decided to put up my most fragile plane - ASX Extra. First battery quit after a minute, the second cell lasted 9 minutes and i came down with nary a bump, tick, slice, cut, or other perverted variety of demolition...
Ya never know  >:(

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