Atlantic Society of Radio Controlled Modellers
Atlantic Society of Radio Control Modellers >> General Discussions >> my margaree photos 2015

Message started by FLC on Jun 21st, 2015 at 6:55pm

Title: my margaree photos 2015
Post by FLC on Jun 21st, 2015 at 6:55pm
gents, I have updated our web site with photos from margaree and a link to all the photos I made there Saturday.

or click the banner above

and my quad video of the stryker flight

DSC_5383-1.jpg (82 KB | 214 )
DSC_5390-1.jpg (86 KB | 215 )
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DSC_7657-1.jpg (89 KB | 232 )

Title: Re: my margaree photos 2015
Post by Steve Mosher on Jun 21st, 2015 at 8:16pm
Great pictures as usual, Al!!

Title: Re: my margaree photos 2015
Post by FLC on Jun 21st, 2015 at 8:29pm
Thanks steve.   you've gotta get down there sometime.

Title: Re: my margaree photos 2015
Post by SandyM on Jun 21st, 2015 at 11:25pm
As usual super shots Al.....even one of me flying! Unusual for Margaree  >:(

A few of my own if you don't mind....

First one speaks to the general cameraderie prevelant at the site...second is the "Stryker Scourge" preparing for the "TARGET" flight..and the last one is an indicator of how a lot of fliers felt Sunday morning....
2015_021_01_01.JPG (151 KB | 244 )
2015_037_01_01.JPG (122 KB | 234 )
2015_054_01_01.JPG (128 KB | 241 )

Title: Re: my margaree photos 2015
Post by Bolter on Jun 22nd, 2015 at 4:24pm
Having a good look at all the great photos Al sure looks like everyone had a good time as usual ! Was there any warning when that big single was coming in ? What was it a Caravan ? I was in stitches and awe of the video of the Stryker attack , couldn't get over how rock steady it was in the wind ! You must have an fpv link to follow it so well, if not -amazing job. Was that Andreas' target ? Sorry for all the questions,missed being there....but glad to see this recap :-)

Title: Re: my margaree photos 2015
Post by FLC on Jun 22nd, 2015 at 7:05pm
The big turboprop was a Pilatus that arrived early saturday morning with a load of golfers for the cabot links course.  Plenty of warning as they overflew us and then set up for a long approach. From Montreal I was told,  they were picked up by the links van and driven off to play golf.  Reversal of the process about mid afternoon when the Pilatus returned to pick them up.  Between visits I was told they flew to Port Hawkesbury to park the plane as there was no room wth all the models and campers on site, and of course they couldn't block the runway all day.

Shot the strykers from my 350 QX3AP quad.   The camera downlinks what it sees via wifi to my nexus tablet clamped onto the transmitter.  No FPV.  Just fly the quad into position and move it around once in a while.  The gimbal is rock solid!
Control of video recording and still shooting is via an app on the tablet.

The target was a big foamy disc built by the new glasgow guys. 

Title: Re: my margaree photos 2015
Post by FLC on Jun 22nd, 2015 at 7:16pm
What's the world coming too sandy?  John with a beer in his hand while in Cape Breton.  LOl  And the finger, didn't I see that symbol somewhere else?  LOL

Stryker guys had a blast!

And amber, you gotta just love amber!  wonderful picture of her!!

Title: Re: my margaree photos 2015
Post by Bolter on Jun 22nd, 2015 at 9:39pm
Great stuff ! Thanks

Title: Re: my margaree photos 2015
Post by SandyM on Jun 23rd, 2015 at 7:14pm

FLC astroflyer wrote on Jun 22nd, 2015 at 7:16pm:
What's the world coming too sandy?  John with a beer in his hand while in Cape Breton.  LOl  And the finger, didn't I see that symbol somewhere else?  LOL

Stryker guys had a blast!

And amber, you gotta just love amber!  wonderful picture of her!!

Golly Al, I noticed the Finger and thought it was a greeting to myself (kind of classy I thought). Hadn't noticed the beer at all, and I would guess the bottle is simply a stage prop..... [smiley=engel017.gif]

Title: Re: my margaree photos 2015
Post by CQ on Jun 24th, 2015 at 7:44pm
Here's a video of Mikes B-17.

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