Atlantic Society of Radio Controlled Modellers
Atlantic Society of Radio Control Modellers >> General Discussions >> Motion put forward for Atlantic Zone AGM

Message started by small_rc on Sep 23rd, 2016 at 11:27am

Title: Motion put forward for Atlantic Zone AGM
Post by small_rc on Sep 23rd, 2016 at 11:27am
I am a member in good standing with MAAC.  I have been for more than 30 years. 

Today I received notice of the Atlantic Zone Meeting for MAAC.  In it there was a reference to a motion for the dismissal of the current Zone Director.

Below is my response sent to MAAC Headquarters and the current Zone Director.  In a nutshell I say, the By-Laws don't provide for a dismissal motion, and the By-Laws don't contain the referenced subsection.


Good Day.

Regarding the agenda for the Atlantic Zone Meeting and the motion put forward.  The motion references a section of the MAAC By-Laws as Part 13 (b)(ii).

The By-Laws as posted on the MAAC Website are dated December 11, 2014.  They do not include any reference to 13 (b)(ii) on page 7 of the document.  The section mentioned in the motion does not exist in the document on line.  If the member putting forward the motion, has a different set of By-Laws, then it is imperative that those By-Laws be the ones on the website.  If the By-Laws on the MAAC Website are out of date, then the motion as proposed cannot go forward, as the general membership does not have access to the current valid By-Laws.

Further I could not find any reference to a method for dismissal of a Director or Zone Director.   There is no provision for the dismissal of a director by vote of members. Therefore because the reason for the motion and the motion as put forward, don't comply with the By-Laws, the motion should be dismissed and not allowed to be presented at the meeting.


Jim Haliburton

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