Atlantic Society of Radio Controlled Modellers
Atlantic Society of Radio Control Modellers >> General Discussions >> November MAAC newsletter

Message started by FLC astroflyer on Oct 31st, 2016 at 9:18am

Title: November MAAC newsletter
Post by FLC astroflyer on Oct 31st, 2016 at 9:18am
Gents, the November MAAC newsletter is now available.  In this issue reports on a couple of Atlantic Zone members taking part in the NEAT fair in New York State, the HEFA/Shearwater joint barbecue, the Wings of Wellington Oktoberfest meet, an IMAC meet in New Glasgow, a report on the recent MAAC annual meeting by our Zone Dirrector Regis and an item on the MAST chili fly in Truro.

Also listed are details of several indoor venues over the winter.  Unfortunately due to a brain bump I forgot to include our own ASRCM indoor event which starts November 7th at the Riverside Elementary School in Milford (same as last year) all flyers welcome and no fee for participating.

Other clubs hosting indoors are asked to send details to me and I'll promote them in the upcoming newsletters.

Thanks to all those, and there are a number, who sent material for the newsletter this month.  Without your continued support this newsletter wouldn't be happening!

You can find it here:

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