Atlantic Society of Radio Controlled Modellers
Atlantic Society of Radio Control Modellers >> General Discussions >> Sad day for Model Aviation in Canada

Message started by small_rc on Feb 26th, 2023 at 7:08am

Title: Sad day for Model Aviation in Canada
Post by small_rc on Feb 26th, 2023 at 7:08am
Hello Everyone.

A new reality has come about over the last 24 hours. With MAAC no longer having an exemption from Transport Canada of any sort, and very little chance of there becoming one, it is time for everyone to write and pass the various TC exams.

To that end, has anyone obtained or prepared study materials for the 2 exams that are relevant?

Is there any plan for clubs or possibly MAAC, to prepare or organize in person or online training sessions? I have in the past suggested and urged MAAC to start this at the Zone level. It seems that it has not happened.

So now it is up to us, the various MAAC members and non-Members, to come up with the materials to ensure that all flyers can write and pass the tests. Anyone have suggestions?

Regards to all

Jim Haliburton

Title: Re: Sad day for Model Aviation in Canada
Post by small_rc on Feb 26th, 2023 at 7:10am
Hello again.

Apparently MAAC did not send the email to those who have yet to renew their membership.  Here is what I posted on another site.

Hello All

Attached is the document sent by MAAC to members this past week. Likely those who have yet to renew their MAAC membership, were not contacted.

Effectively it makes absolutely clear that anyone wishing to fly RPAS in Canada must have passed a Transport Canada test to engage in Model Aviation in Canada. MAAC members no longer have an exemption of any kind.

The only option I see is to object to this behavior by Transport Canada is to write clear polite letters to the Minister and your local MP expressing your views.

In the meantime, the details are in the attached PDF.

As someone who has engaged in model aviation for over 60 years, I am upset, angry, and disappointed.


Jim Haliburton;file=MAAC_Loss_of_Exemption.pdf (400 KB | 73 )

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